Thursday, April 6, 2006

A silent shock inspired.

Half seems to be my curse
I can only catch half of your attention
I can only keep it for half a day
And when you half change your mind
You only half leave
And I'm always caught in the middle
Between this half reality
And this half broken dream
I'm not sure I'll ever be whole
And I'll never be fully gone
So this half of me that you see
Is reason enough for your disgust
My curse leaves me broken
And uncleansable

Paradox (an unfinished story that will probably never be finished)

Blood oozed out of the fresh cut on my arm.
I watched it drip into the sink
and down the drain.
Along with it went my sanity.
I felt no pain.
As the blood escaped my arm
so did I.
A morbid escape, my only escape.
What exactly are you running from?
I have no fucking clue.
I did know one thing:
This was real. This was proof that somewhere inside of me a person existed.
Overwhelming emotions threatened to smother me,
but I was still breathing.


Bright red stains shot across white porcelain.
Pounding on the bathroom door.
Rushing water stole the crimson beauty away from my eyes.
It swirled coldly down the drain to the safety of darkness.

"Goddamnit, Kelia! What the fuck are you doing in there?"
I pulled my sleeves down to my hands.
"Holy shit, Keith. Can't you go two seconds without jacking-off?"
I unlocked the door to reveal my nineteen-year-old brother sporting a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and a sly grin.
"At least I'm not crazy."
"Get a girlfriend!" I yelled as I stormed down the hallway to my room.
My facade carried me to the door, but as soon as I slammed it shut behind me

I collapsed.
I clawed at the carpet
Trying to find something.
I am numb
There is nothing around me.
Nothing can touch me.
I am void of every feeling and sensation that would classify me as human.
Thick, dark slime is inside of me.
Flowing through my veins.
Swimming in my lungs.
I cannot breathe.
I see myself writhing in strangled silence on the floor.
I am disgusted with this thing that has claimed my body.
I leave myself to struggle alone.

Faded photograph.

I wonder...
Do you think of me?
When the lights aren't on,
And you find yourself alone...
Among the faded photographs,
Can you find me there?
Am I among the dead roses,
Which you so tenderly collect,
Along your cracking mirror?
Do I ever haunt you?

I wonder...
Do you dream of me?
When it's dark outside,
Am I with you then?
Can you see me,
Among the midnight stars?
Have I brought tears to your eyes?
Could you find me beautiful,
Or worthy of your kiss?
Do I suffocate you?


You'll find her kissing raindrops
She whispers secrets to the wind
The clouds know every part of her
The intimate sunbeams find her dancing
Stars sparkle in her eyes
She wears flowers in her hair
You'll never know her quite as well as the sand
She's told the ocean everything
Every beauty strips her of another layer
Her soul will soon bare all to you
As she sits among the tress
Our skin will be inscribed with this