Thursday, January 25, 2018

I am a soother
I soothe
I calm
I am power uncovered
I am swallower
Throw it at me
I will take it

I am always here
after you leave
I'm always still here

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How dare you
Love my poetry
And then call me

Thursday, January 18, 2018

You can lay waste to my soul
With the look on your face when I forget my strength
Inside this space where we come together.

You spoke truth into my eyes and ripped open
Every lie I didn't see when it dropped
So carelessly from my tongue into your hands.

Friday, January 12, 2018

I hope that what you meant
when you said I failed to meet
your expectations,
Was that your expectations failed
to encompass me.

I hope that what you meant
when you said that in order to stay with me
you had to lower your standards,
Was that you realized that I am climbing
a different mountain.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

You can't level a candle while it is not burning. You have to monitor the flame, make sure the wax doesn't rise too high. Don't give it more than it can handle at once. Be patient. As long as the flame endures, there is hope — certainty, that the result will be achieved.

I think of you now.
Every time I blow out a candle.

How can you not understand
how much I change
every single moment you are near me.

I existed before you.
I will exist after you.
But those two people
would not recognize each other in a mirror.

I am still learning who I am with you.
So are you, I suppose.

I know that I love you.
I know that the course of my life
ends up somewhere better
for having loved you.  

Hold me, my love.
Don't let go.
Until you want to.

It's hard to exist next to her.
To follow her gaze to you.
And see you meet it.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Was our love not meant to move the earth
Did our love not shake the stars
Don't let go
Our existence is a spark of magic
The kind the universe was meant to make
I can feel the fabric of reality around me
Breathe a heavy sigh of relief
When we come together

You are my favorite flower.
I'm not sure how I found you.
I'm not used to having to care for such a beautiful and soft and tender flame.
(As we've heard, I used to live in the desert.)
I have hurt you, and it has startled me.
Your pain feels like my pain, and it's been disorienting.
I'm sorry I'm not getting it.
But I swear your patience is worth it.
This year I'm going to show you.
This year we're going to grow.
You're going to believe me.
You're going to trust me.