Friday, November 24, 2006

Je levrai mes yeux a toi.

I feel like this box is getting smaller and smaller. I want to make a choice, but none of the options in front of me are very ideal. I want you to open this damn thing and rescue me. I'm claustrophobic, but I've stayed here this long waiting for you. He's calling my name, and I'm drawn to him. All the while, I'm looking over my shoulder to see if you will appear. You're ever so distracted. And your lack of time will be our demise, like we always knew it would. But I still can't help but wait for you. And every time I catch your gaze, another thousand years is added to my stay. Oh, you're all I've ever wanted. Why must you torment me this way? Oh, I want to be all you've ever wanted. If I leave for a while, will you get your life in order? If I left you alone, would you wait for my return? Oh, how I would return. Please, tell me what you want, and your wish is my command. He's calling my name, and I'm drawn to him. Just know that I think of you. You're ever so distracted. But when all else is gone, baby, I'll be here.

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