Friday, July 7, 2017


When he touches me, it's an instant high.
Everything goes blurry.
It's just him.
The whole world is just him,
And his whole world is me,
And his dick is so hard — heavy and full, like my head.

We're getting better at touching each other — less inhibition.
He fucks me harder, hits me harder, chokes me harder,
And I can tell he wonders if it's too much.
I like his not knowing — it makes him hesitate.
With his strength suspended,
The power is mine.

The power of the galaxies is in my hips.
The stars are his lips.
I am the darkness,
I am a black hole,
His cock is a sun.
I can take him in and crush him into nothing.
I can swallow his warmth.
I can feel him inside me.

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