Thursday, October 19, 2006

"All across the nation girls are crying and boys are masturbating."

This can't be what that is because I know you don't feel it, but I do, and I'm not sure how to deal with it because I've always run from it, but now that this is so different I have to face the possibility that this might be what I've run from all my life, and if I'm scared I could ruin it, so I should just accept and move forward, but in the back of my mind the words haunt me, and I wonder when I can set them free, if ever, because maybe you'll never feel the way that I do, or maybe you do, and you have, but you're just better at hiding things, or maybe you're scared like I am, and maybe you're frozen in place or just taking it slow, which is really fine because at this point I've never been so perfectly content with such little motion, but it all seems right and natural and just the way things are supposed to be, and I know when you do I'll be happy, and if you don't I'll be happy too because just being with you is enough to make me feel completely at ease, and that's really all anyone could ask for in life.

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