Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jack and Jill

The end again and all I am is where I was before. A rotting skull with rotting words and tiny little swords. The wounds are covered shabbily, excuses running thin. The end again and everything's two-hundred-eighty-six. The alphabet's unceasing curse is running through the folds of unwashed sheets and dirty feet and laundry two weeks old. The end again and everything's exactly how it seems. Re-interpretate the exact way that all this came to be. Your eyes close as you tune out my sorry little pleas. The end again and all I am is right back on my knees. No fortitude from either side, I hide my lips in shame. The wandering mind is cursed and blind in a variety of ways. The end again, to all who've seen this coming miles away. You're incorrect, this is in fact the way it shouldn't be. These infantile words explain what eyes don't comprehend. The rhythm's off, but I'm afraid of what comes in your stead. The end again and all I see is our world standing still. For all these years you never saw the wishes unfulfilled. In your absence something else developed in my mind. Not so crazy next to someone else who loses time. I'm far away and seeing things that I could never do. They come out still and somehow you don't see them as I do. The end again and how the hell am I to make ammends? For things I said and tears I bled, your promises that fell. I hate the way you force me back to thirteen year old ways of rhyming phrases, inbred names, and everything's the same. The end again and nothing is the way I make it seem.

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